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EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Sensor Technologies and Applications in an Uncertain World


Environmental sensing on Erebus volcano in Antarctica

Sensing technologies are widely used for volcano monitoring worldwide and deliver critical information for operational hazard assessment. The data also provide important insights into the fundamental processes that drive volcanic activity. This presentation will report on sensing strategies employed on Erebus volcano, Antarctica, reviewing key observations, their interpretation, and some of the challenges of working such a harsh environment. Technologies to be discussed include atmospheric spectroscopy, radar altimetry, electrochemical sensing and thermal imaging.



Clive Oppenheimer

Department of Geography

University of Cambridge

Clive Oppenheimer's main research interests are the controls of volcanic degassing on differentiation and redox state of magmas, and on eruptive processes; the atmospheric chemistry of volcanic plumes; the environmental, climatic and human impacts of volcanism in antiquity; and development of environmental sensing techniques and applications. His main research focus has been Erebus volcano in Antarctica where he has worked with the US Antarctic Program since 2003.