Sensors Day 2020
A showcase of multidisciplinary sensor research
Inspiring talks by leading experts on the latest sensor technology developments
Sensor CDT and AI4ER CDT, University of Cambridge Online Event
15 and 16 October 2020
Sensors Day 2020 will showcase highlights of sensor research and applications from all areas of science and technology. This year, we have joined forces with the AI4ER CDT to deliver a diverse field of speakers covering environmental sustainability, environmental sensing and, links between the COVID-19 pandemic and sustainability.
The full programme can be found here and the event booklet is now also available.
Team Challenge 2020 Presentations
The AI4ER Team Challenges for 2020 are projects on 'Building Resilience - Future demand for the heating and cooling of buildings in a changing climate' and 'High Resolution Global Maize Yield Predictions using Machine Learning'. The students will present the projects and their outcomes at the conference.
The Sensor Team Challenge 2020 is a project on 'how we can return to work safely in the shadow of a pandemic'. The students launched the OccuCamb project and will present the project and its outcomes at the conference.
Flash Talk Submission
This is an exciting opportunity to present your sensor research to leading figures in the field. Prizes for the best flash talks will be awarded at Sensors Day.
Please use the abstract template to submit your flash talk ideas. The deadline for submitting an abstract is 30 September 2020. For further information please contact the Sensor CDT.
Sponsorship and Exhibitor packages are available. Please contact the Sensor CDT for further information.