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EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Sensor Technologies and Applications in an Uncertain World


Day One (15 October 2020)

13:00 Clemens Kaminski - Welcome and Introduction
13:15 Keynote Speaker: Christine Maggs
The role of sensors in statutory nature conservation​
14:00 Break and networking

Student Flash Talks (sessions 1 and 2)

15:00 Break and networking
15:15 Keynote Speaker: Prashant Kumar
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Surrey
Founding Director, Global Centre for Clean Air Research (GCARE)

The rise of low-cost sensing for managing air pollution in cities

16:00 Break and networking
16:15 Student Flash Talks (session 3)
17:00 Day One Closing Remarks

Student Flash Talks Running Order
(Note: Sessions One and Two will run in parallel)
Session One (14:15-15:00):

Abstract Title Corresponding Author

Engineering paper proteins for printed biosensors

Lorena Gordillo Dagallier


Creating a better analytical tool for gas sensors

Matthew Powell


Melamine Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Electrochemical Sensor

Melkamu Biyana Regasa


Development of a 3D in vitro model of the neurovascular unit (NVU) integrated with a conducting polymer device for continuous monitoring

Chiara Barberio



Stability of Protein-Sugar Lyophilisates Investigated with Terahertz Spectroscopy

Johanna Kölbel

Session Two (14:15-15:00):

Abstract Title Corresponding Author
1 Mapping of DNA Nicks with Nanopore Sensing Mohammed Alawami
2 Minimally Invasive Electronic Interfaces for the Spinal Cord Ben Woodington
4 High-definition vaccines Luca Mascheroni
8 SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence using tripartite immunoassay Raphaël Jacquat
9 The influence of FUS on axonal mRNA localisation and local protein synthesis in neurodegenerative disease Francesca van Tartwijk

Session Three (16:15-17:00):

Abstract Title Corresponding Author
7 Bridging micro-, and nanofluidics with hybrid two-photon lithography Oliver Vanderpoorten
10 Machine learning models for the study of NO2 air pollution and disease in London, UK Michelle W L Wan
13 Efficient Programmable Random Variate Generation from Sensor Noise James T Meech
14 Brillouin Optical Correlation Domain Analysis (BOCDA) for Environmental Sensing Applications Alexandra Popp

Day Two (16 October 2020)

13:00 Emily Shuckburgh - Welcome and Introduction
13:10 Team Challenge Presentation 1 (AI4ER Students)
Building Resilience - Future demand for the heating and cooling of buildings in a changing climate
13:40 Team Challenge Presentation 2 (AI4ER Students)
High resolution global maize yield predictions using machine learning
14:10 Team Challenge Presentation 3 (Sensor CDT Students)
How can we return to work safely in the shadow of a pandemic?
14:40 Break and networking

Keynote Speaker: Eric Yeatman
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering,
Imperial College London
Ambient and Wireless Power Sources for Wireless Sensors

15:45 Break and networking
16:00 Panel discussion addressing how we could support a sustainable and inclusive recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.
The panel will be hosted by Professor Srinivasan Keshav (Robert Sansom Professor of Computer Science and Deputy-Director of the AI4ER CDT).
Our panellists are:
  • Dr Lara Allen (CEO, Centre for Global Equality)
  • Professor Christine Maggs (Chief Scientist, JNCC)
  • Professor Prashant Kumar (Professor and Chair in Air Quality and Health, University of Surrey)
  • Professor Eric Yeatman (Professor of Microelectronics, Imperial College)
16:45 Day Two Closing Remarks