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EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Sensor Technologies and Applications in an Uncertain World


Professor Mauro Guillén

Mauro F. Guillén is President-elect of the Princess of Asturias Foundation, Dean and Professor of Management Studies at the Judge Business School of the University of Cambridge, and Professor Emeritus of Management and Sociology at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where he served for 12 years as Director of the Joseph H. Lauder Institute of Management and International Studies. He holds a PhD in Sociology from Yale University and a doctorate in Economic and Business Sciences from the University of Oviedo. His scholarly research deals with globalization, geopolitics, multinational corporations, digital platforms, and modernist architecture as an artistic movement. He is the author of a dozen books translated into 17 languages. His online courses have attracted over 100,000 participants.


He has received Fulbright, Rockefeller, and Guggenheim fellowships, and research prizes from the Academy of Management, the American Sociological Association, the Social Science History Association, and the Gustavus Myers Center for the Study of Bigotry and Human Rights. He is a member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and an elected member of the Sociological Research Association and the Macro Organizational Behavior Society, and a winner of the Aspen Institute’s Faculty Pionner Award.

Dr. Cian O’Donovan

Dr. Cian O’Donovan is an expert in the governance of innovation, especially digital transformations in long term care. He is a Senior Research Fellow at UCL’s Department of Science and Technology Studies. He uses social science research on technologies of care to study who benefits from innovation more broadly, who pays for it, and who decides

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Dr. Will Gompertz

Will has worked at EPSRC for just over a year, looking after the Sensors & Instrumentation and Microsystems portfolios, fellowships for the Engineering Theme, and leading on EPSRC’s systems thinking strategy.

Before EPSRC, Will studied Engineering Design (MEng) at the University of Bristol with interest and specialisation in decarbonising the energy sector, vertical farming, and structural engineering. Will has also worked at Frazer-Nash Consultancy as a structural certification engineer, with experience in the aviation, nuclear and defence sectors.





Dr. Richard Milne

Richard is a sociologist of science, technology and medicine. He is the Deputy Director of the Kavli Centre for Ethics, Science, and the Public at the University of Cambridge and Head of Research and Dialogue at Wellcome Connecting Science.  Richard’s interests are in the interface between science and the public, particularly around how scientists and members of the public engage with controversial scientific topics and the possible futures created by new science and technology.  This includes a focus on the social and ethical challenges associated with scientific advance - something that he has explored in relation to biotechnology, ageing and dementia, and latterly genomics, big data and medical applications of artificial intelligence. His research, drawing on qualitative, ethnographic and quantitative approaches, has been published widely in both social science and biomedical journals, reflecting a commitment to engaging with interdisciplinary audiences.



Lorena Qendro

Lorena is a Senior AI Researcher at Nokia Bell Labs working on topics involving Continual Learning, On-Device ML, and Federated Learning. She did her Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Cambridge, working with Prof. Cecilia Mascolo. Her Ph.D. research aimed at investigating different techniques to efficiently and accurately provide uncertainty aware mobile sensing and health applications and apply them to provide real-world robustness against distributional shifts and adversarial attacks. 

She received her BEng and MEng in Computer Engineering from the University of Bologna and worked as a Software Engineer at various UK startups.

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Dr. John Kupiec 

John Kupiec is the Innovation Manager at Environment Agency. This role in the Chief Scientist's Group is to identify innovative technologies and practices and assess how the Environment Agency can benefit from the use of new ideas, emerging technologies and better ways of working. The Environment Agency undertakes extensive monitoring of the environment and there has been a focus on the innovative use of remote sensing and in-situ sensing methods to gather data for policy development, environmental management and enforcement of regulations. Previously, John worked for Scottish Natural Heritage (the government agency responsible for conservation in Scotland) developing environmental monitoring systems to report on the state of the environment – particularly for Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI’s) and other statutory protected areas. John gained a PhD in Earth Observation working on a joint NERC/NASA project. This investigated the potential of a novel sensing instrument – NASA’s Airborne Visible/Infra-Red Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS – mounted on a U2 aircraft) to estimate forest canopy metrics for input to carbon and ecosystem simulation models.

Environment Agency - GOV.UK (


Dr. Simon Tilley

Simon has spent over 30 years in the software industry and has worked in Europe, the US, the Middle East and the Far East across every aspect of a software business – from R&D, through Marketing and to Sales. Simon currently leads Product Management for the Healthcare and Life Science industries in R&D in the software company, SAS. SAS was founded in 1976 and was the original Advanced Analytics company.  Whilst the underlying hardware has changed – SAS’ objective remains the same – to make sense of data.  To enable people to see beyond what the data look like and understand how they really work.




Dr. Maurizio Bevilacqua

Maurizio Bevilacqua is a Senior Research Engineer for the Informatic group in Data science at NPL, and for the past two years was involved in project for Data management, Digital Calibration certificate, and he is the Technical Leader for the informatic group on projects under the Assurance autonomy framework.  

Maurizio holds a PhD in Information Engineering from Salerno University in Italy, focusing primarily on contactless measurement systems, instrumentation, and automation.

He joined Cranfield University in 2014 as Postdoc, and he had experience working on National (EPSRC) and International (Horizon2020 and Bill & Melinda Gates foundation) research projects on wireless sensors network systems.

Leaving academia, Maurizio had acquired relevant experience in automotive consultancy working on modelling, testing and simulation of optical systems such as Lidars and camera for the realization of ADAS application within a driving simulator. Most recently, he worked as Vision Expert at former L3Harris, now Leidos.

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