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EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Sensor Technologies and Applications in an Uncertain World


Sensor CDT start-up company looking for first round funding. Presentation 21 Feb 2017, 4pm, Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, West Site, Cambridge.

Six students from the first cohort have started a company to develop a technology platform which will help older people to live in their own homes for longer, allowing them to retain their independence and save money.

The start-up of Cambridge Assisted Living Technologies is based on the outcome from the Team Challenge for the first cohort of Sensor CDT students and has already caught the attention of local media (Cambridge TV & Cambridge Evening News) and two FTSE 100 insurance companies who the students are in active discussions with.

The students will present their technology at an event to be held in the

new Chemical Engineering Department building, West Cambridge
at 16:00
on Tuesday 21st February.

They hope to further increase their exposure through the presentation, and hopefully secure their first round of investment.
To register please visit the Cambridge Assisted Living Technologies website: