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EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Sensor Technologies and Applications in an Uncertain World


The Sensor CDT has co-created the "Sensors, Sensing and Society initiative", which is overseen by Pete Loftus (Sensors Innovation Leadership Council – SILC), Elena Gaura (Coventry University) and Firat Güder (Imperial College London).


The initiative has adopted an inclusive, transdisciplinary, co-creative and whole society approach to our activities.  We intend to gain a thorough understanding of our wide and diverse community needs and views through engagement with academics, government, industry, funders, civic bodies and individuals to ensure broad and inclusive representation.

The vision for the initiative emerges from dialogue, workshops and consultation with stakeholders interested and working in sensors, sensing and society with the intention to impact innovation, inclusiveness and inspiring the future generation.


The generic purpose of a Network Grant is to:

    • Develop new interdisciplinary research communities and topics by supporting interaction between researchers and relevant science, technology and industrial groups;
    • Transfer experimental techniques, models and scientific insights;
    • Promote mobility between academia, universities and industry and more…


  More information will follow soon.